In more than 22 years continuous and varied museum roles, hands-on work with collections has always been Margaret’s first love.
As National Trust Registrar, she was fortunate to work with diverse collections, discover the importance of preventive conservation and learn from the conservation specialists around her. She then took on curatorial roles at the Henry Moore Foundation and Dulwich Picture Gallery. During six years as House Manager at Sizergh Castle, she was responsible for the care and management of the collection and building.
Preventive conservation was always key, whether it was managing environmental conditions, planning for emergencies or clearing drains and gutters.
Margaret has a huge respect for volunteers. As Curator for Windermere Jetty, she worked with a volunteer team to clean the collections for re-display.
She has a BA in History of Art, an MSc in the History of Modern Architecture and an MA in Museum Studies.

Professional historian and Heritage Writer
Clare McComb is a professional historian and Heritage Writer, working with yacht clubs, owners, editors, museums and individuals to rediscover and publish stories which have been forgotten with the passing of time.
Amongst other things she is visiting historian for the Royal Thames Yacht Club and official Research Consultant for Mylne, collaborating with the authors of the upcoming Mylne biography. She is involved with many other projects, including books about Kelpie (Mylne 1903), Frank Morgan Giles, Arthur Ransome, and her R.O.R.C.-founding great uncle E G Martin of (pilot cutter) Jolie Brise and (sailing barge) Memory fame.
She writes regularly for the yachting press, in particular Classic Boat, but also publications such as Yachting Monthly, Seahorse, Classic Sailor, Klassiske Linjer/ Seilas in Norway, and the annual Royal Thames Review.
She has worked closely with Adrian from their first meeting at the Windermere Jetty Museum as they share a strong professional and personal commitment to the proper conservation and maintenance of our maritime heritage. Her extensive library of old yachting magazines allows her to research easily and efficiently, producing historical information to inform ongoing restoration and new-build projects.

written by Clare McComb professional historian and Heritage Writer
In my work as a yachting historian/heritage writer I often come across boats in need of repair whose owners are looking for a "decent surveyor." Adrian always is the first name on my list. He has a lifetime of skill and experience in the conservation of classic craft, both through working with museums, and in his own business. He is deeply committed to the preservation of our national maritime heritage.
Where restoration is possible Adrian typically suggests a range of imaginative and cost effective solutions, but he is also clear and always honest if deterioration has gone too far and owners need to make difficult decisions.         Â
Satisfied clients have told me surveys are expertly
carried out, delivered on time and at a very reasonable price. "Helpful", "professional"'and " nice to deal with" are typical feedback comments. I have no hesitation in recommending Adrian for anyone who needs a survey:
they will be in very safe hands.